Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What First?

I was planning on making this nest post about how if you want to be successful in life then the first step is to surround yourself with people who are successful and happy.  However, because of events that happened tonight I now change this to surround yourself with people who you can trust, and motivate you and want similar goals as you.  I do not mean that they need to have the same goal,  they just need to have goals and a desire to progress.  This is important because your friends will help you out when you need advice.  More importantly they will listen to you when you need someone to listen to you.  (Funny enough this blog is for a similar purpose.  I am using it as a place for me to vent and to keep me motivated.  Don't think that this blog is my only friend tho.)

The second important thing that I have learned lately is that when a task seems overwhelming it probably is.  I don't know how many times I have wanted to do some huge goal but could never get myself started because I didn't know where to start.  From now on I will just start where I want to because there is no right place to start.  When you color a picture in a coloring book is there a certain place that everyone starts coloring at or is it up to the person?  It is up to the person.  Not only that but when you just start everything else seems to fall into place and the entire project gets done.  It is like those commercials where the slogan is, "you don't need to know what your looking for, you just need to start looking."  Well in my life it is time that I start looking before I end up somewhere I don't want to.  Along the same lines I would always say, when a task is too large and I don't know where to start that "not making a decision is still making a decision."

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