Saturday, September 25, 2010

Get Out of My HEAD!!!

Damn I feel like there is some one in my head who is fucking annoying the shit out of me.  He is always putting me down and stopping me from doing the things that I want to do.  He is driving me crazy!!!  I DON'T WANT TO BE AFRAID ANYMORE!!! I just want to be myself.  I'm tired of trying to be liked by anybody.  If you don't like me that is your problem not mine.  I know what I am going to do in my life and that is success by my definition. 

I thought this self esteem problems were suppose to be done with when I finished high school?  Why are they still here?  Do they ever go away? I think the answer to these questions can come from Wu-Tang in a track titled C.R.E.A.M.

But I'm still depressed, and I ask what's it worth?
Ready to give up so I seek the Old Earth
Who explained working hard may help you maintain
to learn to overcome the heartaches and pain

I believe this is the truth.  By hard work and keeping myself busy I wont have time for these negative thoughts.

Why am I writing this?  I am writing it because since I am going through this problem I am pretty sure someone else is too.  If I want to be rich I got to learn to overcome this problem that I am having.  How I do it? I am not sure yet.  Hard work. Figuring out how to turn off the man inside my head. Maybe learning how to utilize the man for good instead of what he is doing to me now.  I think the sense of accomplishment would help out a lot in this situation. I am sure that there are more ways. Lets see what becomes of this...

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